Lipo Plus Injections

What Are Lipo Plus Injections?
Lipo Plus Injections also referred to as Lipotropic injections, b-12 injections, or MIC injections, are a combination of ingredients designed to increase fat metabolism and boost wellness. We combine these injections with a program of diet and exercise to produce weight loss.


9 Benefits of Lipo Injections
Reduce Stored Fat
Enhance Metabolism
Increased Fat Burning
Increased Energy Levels
Improve Liver and Gallbladder Function
Preserve Muscle
Helps Body Absorb Nutrients
Improves Liver Detoxification
Improves Mood

Single dose  $30

5 pk  $120

Why wait to get started? Book your appointment online today.

Call us today at 361-703-5630 or click the button below to make an appointment